The teeth in the front of your mouth have cosmetic and functional value. When the tooth enamel layer on one of these teeth is compromised by a cavity it can cause discomfort, impair your ability to bite off pieces of food and could also leave you with an unattractive smile. If you have been experiencing a problem with one of... read more »
If you ever wake up and feel any signs of tenderness or soreness in your jaw, it may be linked to an oral health condition known as bruxism. Bruxism consists of grinding and gnashing your teeth unconsciously. Although bruxism can often occur while you're awake, it is most often associated with sleeping. To determine if you suffer from bruxism, ask... read more »
Are you considering a dental implant? If so, you are not alone. Thousands of people wonder if dental implants are right for them, yet they are unsure of the details around the procedure. That is why our team here at Prosthodontics Associates, P.A. in Portland, Maine, is happy to talk to you about dental implants, so you can discover if... read more »
With all the different types of mouthwash on the market today, it is important to find the mouthwash that fits your smile’s needs. Not only are mouthwashes designed to improve the smell of your breath, but they can clean your teeth, strengthen your tooth enamel, and even whiten your smile. Always use a mouthwash that can help accomplish the needs... read more »